Jobs & Internships

Summer 2024PAID

We are seeking the following positions for our Summer production of Aeschylus' The Suppliant Women, in a version by David Greig.

Postions pays a stipend, minimum $1000 for the run.

  • Lighting Designer

Postions are paid hourly.

  • Master Electrian

To apply, please send an email with your area/s of interest and your resume to

Production Information Below

24/25 SeasonPAID

We are seeking the following positions for our 24/25 Season. Productions to be announced.

Postions pays a stipend, minimum $1000 for the run.

  • Stage Managers
  • Assistant Stage Managers
  • Designers

Postions are paid hourly.

  • Master Electrian

To apply, please send an email with your area/s of interest and your resume to

Production Information Below

Interns PAID

We are seeking the following positions for our 24/25 Season.

Postions pay a stipend, $1000 for the run.

  • Stage Management Interns
  • Design Interns as needed on a production by production basis (Lighting, Scenic, Costumes, Sound Tech, Props)

To apply, please send an email with your areas of interest, availability, and your resume to

Production Information Below

Aeschylus' The Suppliant Women, in a version by David Greig

August 2-17

The show is performed outdoors in PORT Park on the Chelsea Waterfront.

If we help, we invite trouble. If we don’t, we bring shame.

Fifty women board a boat in North Africa. They flee across the Mediterranean, leaving everything behind. They are escaping forced marriage in their home and seeking asylum in Greece. Written 2,500 years ago, The Suppliant Women is one of the world’s oldest plays. It’s about the plight of refugees, about moral and human rights, civil war, and democracy. It tells a story that echoes down the ages to find striking and poignant resonance today. Featuring in performance a chorus of local women, this is part play, part ritual, part theatrical archaeology. It explores fundamental questions of humanity: who are we, where do we belong and, if all goes wrong, who will take us in?

"Aeschylus speaks directly to us in David Greig’s electrifying adaptation." - The Guardian